What is baptism?

The Bible teaches that we should be baptised in water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and it’s a command that Jesus gives his followers. Baptism is an outward sign of our faith in Jesus Christ, it represents the burial of an old way of life, and it washes us clean from everything we ever done wrong that keeps us far from God. It’s a public commitment to a new way of life and brings us into the worldwide family of God.

Who is baptism for?

Baptism is for anyone who is following Jesus! If you’ve recently decided to follow Jesus, the next step for you is to be baptised, just as Jesus tells us. You may have been baptised as a child and, although we can’t baptise you a second time, there are ways to renew your baptism promises.

If you’re a parent wanting to baptise your child, we would be delighted to be a part of your journey! When you choose to baptise your daughter or son, you are making the decision that you want to bring them up to know and love Jesus, and we’re so excited that you want to make this commitment.

Ready to be baptised?

Our next baptism service is on Sunday 30th June 2024, and our Exploring Baptism session for this will be on 23rd June 2024 after both services.
Sign up below for more info, and someone will be in touch with you soon.